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How to write applications that stand-out and convert to interviews for your next perfect role in Marketing and the Creative and Tech Industries


Are you sending out the same CV and Cover Letter for every role?

Do you feel bored and uninspired by your job applications?

Unsure how to make your applications stand out?

If yes, then this course is for you. During my 8 months job hunting in 2014 this process helped me create CV’s and Cover Letters that secured interviews with some of the worlds biggest brands including Google, Facebook, Twitter, ASOS, Burberry and resulted in a job at Apple.

It all starts with a beautifully crafted Cover Letter and CV that tells the story of why you are the β€˜must hire’ candidate.

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Getting Boosted

  • Why our industry is unique and how to use this to your advantage
  • How to treat your application like the greatest piece of comms
  • How being a consumer can impact your application
  • Why you shouldn’t wait for a job to become available to apply
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Finding the Right Role

  • The 4 key hiding places of all the best roles
  • The ONE place that you are not considering to look 
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Story-telling and why it's your Super Power

  • Why story-telling is more Science than Art
  • Why the worlds best brands tell stories - and why you need to do the same
  • Exactly how to story-tell as part of your hunt for your next perfect role
  • Real life examples of how to story-tell AND how not to story-tell
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How to write a Cover Letter people want to read

  • Why not writing a Cover Letter is a missed opportunity
  • The Basics of Cover Letter writing
  • Why mindset is key to nailing a great Cover Letter
  • How to write an epic Cover Letter that doesn’t limit your creativity
  • How to think beyond a Word Document
  • Real life examples of kick-ass Cover Letters from my clients
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Reinventing your CV

  • Why Creative Industry CV’s are different to other industries
  • Basics of a CV - the stuff you need to nail
  • How to write a CV that has impact and influence
  • Advanced CV guidance - the stuff that 99% of people never consider
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The Big Tactic

  • What is it and why is it so damn important?!
  • 5-steps to execute the Big Tactic
  • Real life examples of successful Big Tactics
  • Three other ways to get noticed in the Creative and Tech industries
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"Steph’s program has completely revolutionised how I view the job hunting process, from first applying, to the interview stage and even negotiating a salary. I now feel confident applying for roles, with the knowledge and steps I need to help get my foot in the door."


Melissa Vickery

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  • 5 and half hours content
  • 6 actionable modules
  • How to craft beautiful stories
  • Real life examples of winning cover letters
  • How to level up your CV’s and Resumes
  • Exact strategy to ‘apply’ when no job exists yet

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