My client got a job in big global tech… without speaking to HR and with no previous experience
Nov 17, 2023
This week my client secured a role at in big global tech. When we first met - just 8 weeks ago - she told me the exact company she wanted to work for.
Given she had just been made redundant, I knew timing-wise we had to move fast. But I could see in her eyes, she had a plan. And she was motivated.
Plus, she was willing to do the things most other people aren’t.
So we started working together.
And just 8 weeks later, she has an offer from the EXACT company she said wanted to work for.
Here’s 3 important things to know about how she made this happen:
1. She got help
“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”
It’s a famous quote but nothing could be more true when it comes to job hunting. You can do a lot on your own. But if you really want to Level Up your career and go to places you never thought possible - i.e a Dream Job - then you must get people to help you.
A coach, a mentor, an online course, a friend with experience in your industry - whatever works for you. But do not do it alone. It’s so much harder.
2. She was relentless
One thing about my client, she was up for the challenge. When I told her online application don’t work, she was listening. In fact, she didn’t even speak to the HR team at this company until they made her the offer.
Circumventing the online process isn’t easy. But if you know what you are doing it gets way better results that just applying online.
3. She stayed positive
Despite being let go from a toxic workplace, she kept positive about her job hunt. I could see she needed to rebuild her confidence. And as she worked through the process, I could see her confidence growing by the day.
Even when she was told she lacked the technical skills for the role, she stayed positive and worked on showing them why this wouldn’t be a problem.
And in the end, it wasn’t.
To secure a role in big global tech isn’t easy. To secure one in 8 weeks with no previous experience and never speaking to HR, is phenomenal.
I help people in the Marketing and Creative and Tech Industries to find their next perfect role.
If you are looking to level-up your career, use the link below to schedule some time to chat about whether the programme might be right for you.