Creative Career Level Up

Struggling to convert interviews to job offers? You need to be doing this!

May 09, 2024
Photo by magnetme on Unsplash

In case you hadn’t noticed, the job market is tough right now. Since the end of 2022, it has NOT been a candidate's market.

If you are getting past the application stage, you are doing better than 80% of the market. I speak to candidates all the time, who have been searching for 6 months and only had 1-2 interviews in that time.

So, if you make it to the interview stage, you need to convert to an offer.

But how do you increase your chances of this happening?

I’m going to share with you a tactic we use on my Creative Career Level Up programme. And I’ve never shared this before, so make sure you read until the end!

On my Creative Career Level Up programme, I encourage my clients to think like entrepreneurs. 

Approach your job hunt with the hustle of an entrepreneur whose whole business depends on securing this next role. Entrepreneurs look at a process and think ‘what can I do differently?’

With this level of thinking, my clients on the Creative Career Level Up programme are able to come up with tactics and ideas that no one else is doing. Including this one.

We use this with great effect. And I want you to use it too!

Deliver this document

After the final interview, you want to email across (or hand deliver if it's an in-person interview) a document to the hiring manager.

This document is a 30/60/90 day plan.

You may have heard of a 30/60/90 day plan. This plan is typically used when people start a new job. They sit down with their new boss and together they work out a plan for what the new hire can focus on in the first 30/60/90 days.

But here, we are going to use it as the final Power Move in our job hunt.

How to write a 30/60/90

Writing a 30/60/90 is very simple. It can be any format from a simple word doc to a more creative slide. Make sure to convert it to a PDF before sending. And because we work in the creative industry, I would make it easy to read, with a simple design.

As for the content, you want to take everything you had learnt about the role from the interviews. And write up a plan of how you would approach the first 30/60/90 days in the new job.

If you would like some examples, head to Google. Lots of great examples on there.

Of course, you are not in the role yet. So this document is your approach, based on what you learnt in the interviews.

How to deliver a 30/60/90

Here’s a script you can use when emailing it over. 

‘Thanks for time in the interview process. I really enjoyed meeting everyone and hearing more about the role. Now that the process is over, I am confident I can add a ton of value for you in this role. 

I have been digesting all the information you shared and have put together a 30/60/90 day plan, outlining how I would approach the role - should I be the successful candidate.

This is my approach and current thinking, and I would, of course, work with my manager to refine this, if I got the role. But I wanted to show how I would approach things.

Thanks again for your time.’

Of course, tweak this script so that it is the right tone and delivery for the company you are interviewing with.

Here’s to your interview success! 🥂

Loved this tactic? Want more? If you are job hunting right now, the Creative Career Level Up might be the right programme for you. 

I help people in the Marketing and Creative and Tech Industries to find their next perfect role. 

If you are looking to level-up your career, use the link below to schedule some time to chat about whether the programme might be right for you.